The Fly Tyer from Nuremberg
My name is Jürgen Bartsch, I am 56 years old, and, since 1977, a member of the Northern Bavaria Sport Fishing Club in Nuremburg. Since my early youth, fly fishing and tying my own flies have been my companions. In my younger years as a classical all-around angler, fly fishing was one of many fishing methods I used on the most varied of waters. At the turn of the millennium, I began to look more deeply into the world of fly fishing in order learn about its various aspects. I attended a number of casting courses in Austria and on the Danish coast and intensified my efforts on my own flies. As a result, flies for sea-run trout and pike came to the fore in addition to classical tying of dry flies and nymphs. I greatly enjoy testing various tying methods and materials in order to expand my knowledge. I have been able to attain comprehensive practical knowledge through regular visits to highly varied waters. A standard part of that for at least 20 years has been many visits to the Danish Baltic Sea to fish for sea-run trout, the fish of a thousand casts, which requires intensive efforts from the angler. There was much to learn in the beginning, paying off later by showing which patterns do or do not work and at what time. What an advantage to take experience on the water and apply it directly at the tying vise.
Similar is the situation with pike, my second passion in active fly fishing whether on the Baltic Sea, in quarry lakes, or classically in the rivers of the region. Also important here is the gathering of experience which requires time and effort in order to be successful. Not just selecting the right fly, also the right equipment plays an important role to triumph over Mr. Esox. So it is equally important for the fly tyer to create, at his vise, patterns for these types of fish. Thin to even delicate patterns for the sea-run trout of the Baltic Sea on the one hand and large, voluminous patterns for pike on the other. No matter what pattern is at the moment in the vise, they all deserve a clean and precise as possible tying technique. My many years working on the construction of a metal fabricating company has carried over to my fly patterns. Precise and high quality work is a basic component of all of my creations. The fly’s appearance is always a part of my fishing and I always enjoy tying on my fly line a pattern that, through its perfect form and the way it is tied, fools the fish in the water.
Since 2015, I have entered my flies in the German Championship in Fly Tying at the EWF. In 2018 and 2019 I entered in the streamer category and was able to convince the jurors to award me first place both years.
Your Jürgen Bartsch