I started tying my own flies some 30 years ago. I was self taught and quickly realised the value of good instruction and how scarce it was, so after a few years I became an Instructor under the Salmon and Trout association STANIC banner, later becoming part of GAIA. I am currently a licensed coach for the Angling Trust and the Professional Anglers Association offering classes in trout fishing, coarse fishing and of course fly tying. I have my own weekly class and in addition help run my local Fly Dressers’ Guild tying classes. I consider myself to be an all-round fly tyer with a depth of experience and look forwards to helping visitors solve their fly tying problems.
My favourite flies to tie are Chalkstream dries and Irish Lough flies, but I enjoy tying all styles and regularly tie Saltwater, Salmon and Pike flies too. I travel the world tying flies and regularly demonstrate in Europe and the United States.
I am a life member of the Fly Dressers Guild, and part of the editorial team of flydresser magazine writing articles on classic flies and famous fly tyers.
I have been a Whiting Pro team tier since 2005, and I will be tying with a range of Whiting products. I am also a member of the Partridge pro staff and Regal vice pro team.
I look forwards to meeting old friends and making new ones at the Bending Feathers.