Peter Joest, Germany

Peter Joest, Germany
Peter Joest, Germany

Hello, my name is Peter Joest.

It’s my great pleasure to be part of the Bending Feathers.

Even so, some might ask, “Peter who? Never heard of him.”

So, to answer the question, I was born in 1958, live with my wife and my dog in Hilden, and work as a hospital technician in Düsseldorf.

As a member of the Bergischer Fischereivereins (, I fish the Wupper.

The flies I most like to tie are salt-water flies.

True to the saying, “The prophet is not recognized in his own land,” I first earned my spurs outside of Germany. Since the late 1990s, I have been part of the international fly-tying community and have demonstrated how to tie my patterns at shows in Europe and America.

I fished as a child, but was 35 years old before I began fishing with a fly rod and began tying my own flies. Inspired by an article about squid patterns, and thanks mostly to the help of a fellow club member who made me a special braided tube, I soon arrived at my own style of fly tying. In the meantime, tying flies with braided tube has become well established, partly supported by various articles in fly-fishing publications.

I would like very much to share my enthusiasm for fly tying.