My name is Horst Puzicha and I was born on 31.05.1952.
I would like to thank you for the invitation to the 1st Bending Feathers Fly Tying Symposium and I am looking forward to it.
I have been fishing with flies for many years and have been tying flies for just as long. I have successfully taken part in many competitions.
I am a founding member of the fly tying circle in Hagen, Germany, about 28 years ago. As a member of the FbK Hagen, I have taken part in many club events, both regional and national, as well as eight times in a row at the Angelmesse Duisburg, twice at the Jagd und Hund in Dortmund and twice in Friedrichshafen at the Aqua-Fisch.
I was able to introduce students to the world of fly fishing on many casting and tying courses.